Help Step Up participants practice their job interview skills!
Each spring, the Step Up Mock Interviews connect volunteers with Step Up youth participants for one-on-one coaching and support as they practice their job interview skills in preparation for their summer Step Up career exploration.
This year the Mock Interviews will held virtually, with volunteers interviewing 2-4 young people via Zoom. Following the interviews, you'll provide helpful coaching and feedback for strengthening their skills and professional presentation. You will receive sample questions and other materials and orientation in advance of the event to help you prepare.
Mock interviews are a fun and engaging way to support our young people and help them prepare for future career success. We welcome individual volunteers as well as company teams.
How to Participate
Register to volunteer
The 2022 Step Up Mock Interviews will be held in late March, with registration opening in February. Join our mailing list to be notified when registration starts.
Mark Your Calendar
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with date, time and other details.
Get Oriented
Before your session, the Step Up team will provide a short orientation to help you prepare.
Interview Amazing Interns
You'll interview 2-4 interns over a 90-minute period and provide feedback and coaching.