Our Partners

Our strong partnerships with school districts, government agencies, companies and other nonprofits help ensure that every student is prepared to achieve their career and postsecondary goals.

School District Partners

Minneapolis Public Schools

As the strategic nonprofit partner of MPS, Achieve Twin Cities collaborates with the district on career and postsecondary readiness initiatives and provides career and college readiness programming in MPS high schools, MPS contract alternative schools and the MPS Online School.

Achieve also serves as the district's long-time nonprofit foundation, managing MPS school and department funds, mini-grants for staff and classrooms, and college scholarships for MPS students. In this role we also support MPS in securing major grants for strategic district priorities.

Minneapolis Public Schools logo

Saint Paul Public Schools

In collaboration with the SPPS Office of College and Career Readiness and individual school counselors, Achieve Twin Cities manages career pathway centers in seven district high schools.

Our team partners with SPPS to provide individualized guidance and resources to students in exploring career and college pathways, applying for postsecondary education and financial aid, and connecting them with other opportunities in our community as they create a post-graduation plan.

Saint Paul Public Schools logo

City of Minneapolis Partnership

We partner with the City of Minneapolis, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development and Project for Pride in Living for the Step Up Youth Employment Program, which provides work readiness training and paid internships for 1,100 Minneapolis youth each year in collaboration with over 100 Twin Cities employers.

Step Up orange logo

Achieve Twin Cities Community Partners

In addition to our primary partnerships with Minneapolis and Saint Paul school districts and the City of Minneapolis, each year we recognize a select group of Achieve Twin Cities Community Partners, which includes companies, government agencies and nonprofits that have demonstrated outstanding commitment to our career and college readiness work through generous financial, programmatic and strategic support.

Meet our 2024 Achieve Twin cities Community Partners

Six adults and two high school students standing together in factory

Career and College Readiness Partners

Achieve Twin Cities collaborates with numerous other career and college readiness providers to ensure that all students have full access to the best possible career and postsecondary exploration opportunities in our community. We work closely with these organizations to expand our reach, align career and college readiness strategies and strengthen our collective impact.

We also partner with national organizations such as the National College Attainment Network on best practices and strategies in closing equity gaps in college attainment and increasing the number of low-income students and students of color who complete postsecondary degrees or credentials.

Eight adults stand together in a school classroom, smiling at the camera
Student standing in classroom holding a university information booklet

Learn how you
can support Achieve
as a volunteer,
internship employer
or donor.