Career Pathways Event at Edison High School

If you're an employer or post-secondary school rep, come introduce students to great careers and the training programs that can help them get there!

Career volunteer with student

Event details

Thu. May 18 2017
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Edison High School
700 22nd Ave NE | Mpls
Career volunteers

This interactive event connects Edison students with employers and representatives of post-secondary schools to learn about great careers and training programs that can help them enter these fields shortly after graduation.  

If you’re an employer: We’re looking for companies that offer dynamic career opportunities that don’t require four-year degrees. You’ll talk with students about your company, the careers you offer and the skills they need to join your team. 

If you represent a post-secondary school or program: We’re interested in programs that offer training, certificate or degrees that equip students with the skills they need to secure these in-demand careers. You’ll introduce students to your program and how it can equip them to enter these fields.

Hosted by our new Career Readiness Initiative, For more information, contact our Career Readiness Initiative Manager James Houston at 612-455-1563.