Career Speakers Series - Roosevelt High School

Careers in arts, communications and information systems

Communications careers

Event details

Thu. February 8 2018
9:15 - 10:30 am
Roosevelt High School
4029 S 28th Ave | Mpls

For this Career Speakers event, we're seeking speakers from diverse communities who represent arts, communications and information systems careers.

You'll be based in a classroom and will share information about a day-in-the-life at your job, how you got to where you are today and tips on how students can pursue a career in your field. We encourage you to bring props and real-world examples to help bring your career to life. Your story may help a student discover a brand new career! 

All volunteers are welcome! We are especially interested in engaging volunteers from diverse communities and encourage alumni/ae and community members who live or work in the Roosevelt community or have friends and family who attend MPS schools to apply.  

Please contact Mai at 612-455-1571 for more information. 

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