Achieve Twin Cities is deeply concerned and disappointed by the Supreme Court’s ruling to strike down affirmative action in college admissions.
Our vision is that all Minneapolis and St. Paul high school students – regardless of race, income status, ability, language, and immigration status – can attain purposeful, life-sustaining careers. For many young people, pursuing higher education is the most certain pathway to that goal.
Despite some progress, whether or not young people can access and be successful in our higher education systems is still far too dependent on the color of their skin. The Supreme Court has taken away a key tool for addressing racial discrimination in higher education - discrimination that has existed since the founding of these institutions in our country - while affirming policies that benefit privileged youth.
Achieve Twin Cities calls on policymakers and education leaders to make greater investments in student outreach and inclusion, and to partner more deeply with postsecondary access and success programs. We also invite our Minnesota postsecondary institutions to review National College Attainment Network (NCAN) recommendations on how to ensure that all campuses are welcoming and inclusive for students of color.
This work could not be more important. Ensuring the ability of every young person to reach their potential is integral to the future success and vitality of our entire community.
On this July 4 holiday, as we celebrate the strengths of our country, we believe that our country can live up to its tenets that we are all created equal only if we acknowledge and address head-on the racist institutions and practices of our past and the impact that these continue to have on our society today.
At Achieve Twin Cities, we are steadfast and unapologetic in our commitment to supporting students who continue to face the greatest barriers to higher education. Please join us in this effort.