Please complete one form for each distinct position. Before submitting a Job Description Form, please secure the necessary budget and any approvals for the internship so we can confidently place an intern in the position. Please be as accurate as possible when completing the form so we can make the best internship match.
If you have any questions please call your Step Up contact or 612-455-1551.
See tips for drafting a high-quality Step Up job description.
For each question, please select the answer that best describes your workplace. We will do our best to match the best intern for the job description and workplace.
As a Step Up supervisor, I understand and commit to the following:
In turn, Step Up commits to the following:
We will provide your intern with a nine-hour work readiness training certified by the Minneapolis Regional Chamber, which teaches workplace and professionalism basic skills.
We will utilize our 16 years of experience and over 27,000 prior internships to make a high-quality match between your job description and a student candidate.
We will provide a job coach from our staff who will respond to any questions or concerns you have during the internship period within 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays).
We will offer a tailored supervisor orientation with new content to guide you in best practices for supervising youth interns and creating high-quality internships.
We will equip you with electronic document templates to help you achieve success with your intern.